Playlist’s Song Pairing:

Crack open a Žan by Keltis and catapult yourself headfirst into the feverish dream that is Adult Jazz's "Idiot Mantra." Rising from the alleys of Leeds like a gang of alchemists, they fuse prog, post-rock, folk, pop, and jazz into a wild, kaleidoscopic freak show of sound. Frontman Harry Burgess, a former educator gone rogue, injects a bizarre, yet unpretentious sophistication into this unhinged ensemble.

As you guzzle Žan's delirious concoction, let "Idiot Mantra" drag you through a whirlwind odyssey of reckless abandon. Toast to the degenerate and the divine, as this combo rattles your bones and leaves you craving the sweet taste of madness.



Source: Keltis

Region: Posavska, Slovenia

Vintage: 2020

Grapes: Žametna Črnina, Kraljevina, Blaufränkisch

Color: Red

The wines of Keltis are a testament to the artisanal approach in both the vineyard and the cellar. Their wines truly express the terroir and are crafted with minimum intervention. Many of their wines remain unfiltered, allowing them to retain a vibrancy that continues to develop in the bottle.

Production is guided by the cycles of the moon, and they only release wine when it’s reached its peak potential. As a result, each vintage has its own unique character and personality.

The juicy and light-bodied Žan is a standout wine that is simply bursting with flavor. It evokes an essence of a raspberry liqueur, and is intensely aromatic with notes of ripe berries. Dry on the palate, it boasts a refreshing acidity and yet is remarkably easy to drink. Best enjoyed with a chill!

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