Bodegas y Viñedos Attis’

2021 Sangarida Mencía

It’s a rhythmic blend, a gentle sway between the old and new, a soft hum that reverberates through time.

The Mencía grape, native to Bierzo, is known for its ability to reflect the terroir it grows in. Sangarida Mencía, with its balanced acidity and soft tannins, not only offers a refreshing taste but also unveils the nuanced minerality and earthy undertones that echo the natural terrain of the region.

The Sangarida Mencía speaks of its origins, each sip offering a taste of the rich, rustic landscapes from which it hails. It's a wine that invites exploration, whether you're a seasoned wine enthusiast or someone just beginning to venture into the world of wine.

Region: Spain, Bierzo

Vintage: 2021

Grapes: Mencía

Color: Red

This song isn't just a melody; it's a conversation between the artist and the listener, opening doors to abstract interpretations.

The detailed composition of this piece reflects the fine balance of flavors found in Sangarida Mencia. The track harmonizes with Sangarida Mencia like a finely tuned orchestra. Complex rhythms and bold beats echo the lively yet nuanced notes of Sangarida Mencia, with every sip and chord enriching the experience.

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