Cascina Alberta’s

2018 Barbaresco Giacone

Like the bold whisper of Piedmont; it's youthful yet profound, an elegant rebellion in a glass.

Nestled in the stunning region of Piedmont, Italy, lies the family-run Cascina Alberta winery. At the helm are the father-son duo, Giorgio and Fabrizio, who are dedicated to delivering a piece of Piedmont's rich soil and luscious vines right to your glass.

The star of the show, Barbaresco Giacone, strikes a balance between power and elegance, offering a taste that’s both deep and delightful.

Region: Italy, Piedmont

Vintage: 2018

Grapes: Nebbiolo

Color: Red

An eerie, emotional journey marked by that iconic drum break that still sends shivers down spines.

This track, coming from a place of personal turmoil for Collins, has a timeless vibe that breaks through the fleeting trends of music.

Pairing with Barbaresco Giacone is like matching a good beat with the right mood—it just fits. The song’s slow build-up, combined with its deep, introspective lyrics, vibes with the calm yet impactful essence of the wine.

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