Playlist’s Song Pairing:

Kwaj's "Clouds in the Sky" offers a momentary respite to the pace of today’s world – a smooth, jazzy voyage through the collective consciousness of hip-hop. This sonic fusion, a blend of nostalgic beats and conscious rhymes, echoes the spirits of Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul while maintaining a distinct, contemporary essence.

As you pop the Zumito Lite Red, allow the wine to dance with the rhythm, melding flavors, and soundscapes into an experience that transcends the mundane. Kwaj's verses meander through the haze of life, urging us to embrace the journey, make organic connections, and revel in the unpredictability of the cosmic waltz. Sip, savor, and surrender to the groove.

Zumo Wine

Zumito Lite Red

Source: Zumo Wine

Region: California, USA

Vintage: 2021

Grapes: Pinot Gris

Color: Red

Zumo Wines, the lovechild of duo Georgia Staples and Diego Luis Perez, brings you Zumito Lite Red, the life of the party in a bottle. This little smasher, made from 100% Pinot Gris, is a glou glou extravaganza, loaded with all-natural vivacity and a tinge of orange-pinky hues.

Zumito Lite Red is a no-fuss, no-additions masterpiece, fermented naturally in open top fermenters and finished in either neutral oak or tank. The result is a wine that's still alive and kickin' when bottled, with a fresh and tingly vibe. So gather your friends, family, and jam with this über-natty, über-fun wine - and remember, it's not just juice, it's Zumo.

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